Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What You Can Do in a Day

One of our favorite design mags, House Beautiful, new June issue is here and features "What you can do in Day". We all love us some inspiration and quick fix designer tips, here are a couple of our faves...

" Kitchen Cabinet Doors. Remove upper doors. Arrange your dishes and glasses in an interesting way. Put miscellanous items in low wicker baskets that are all uniform."

" Trays. Corral items like TV remontes on a tray on the coffee table. Put liquor bottles, glasses, and bar accountrements on a tray in the living or dining room."

" Art. Rehang your artworks. Put pieces in unusual places, like above a door. Lean some against a mirror. Hang several in an assymetrical collage, at least three inches apart."

" Polish. French-polish your furniture. Polish your silver. Wax your floors- even linoleum comes to life and takes on a burnished look. Shine makes everything more cheerful."

" Books. Stack art, design, gardening, travel books- whatever you collect- on a table. Books are my favorite accessory because they're so personal- they reflect your interests."

" Refresh the Bath. Change your shower curtain, or just the liner. Add fragrant candles and a small boquet. Clear the counters of everything except your prettiest essentials.

" Plate Stands. Buy clear plate stands for display. Anything you put on them becomes a sculpture. Even terra-cotta tiles look like little paintings. Instant art."

" Drawer Liners. Re-line a bureau. Who can resist a chest with attractive paper-lined drawers? It's an easy way to please your guests."

" Clean Sheets. Hang a clothesline in your garden! There's nothing like clean sheets, dried by the sun and fresh air."

and last but not least, what we all know is true, but we hate to do (except crazy people like Lyndsay and Ewa)...

"Cleaning. Make it heavy-duty. Move the furniture away from the walls and clean under it. Dust in places you forgot existed. Scrub. Nothing works wonders like a sparkling house."

Happy Decorating!

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