Tuesday, November 23, 2010

SHOP(the block)LOCAL

It's that time of year again, so put those mittens on and get ready to shop the block for all of your holiday needs! Join the South End and over 50 participating businesses, Wednesday, December 8th, for our annual South End Holiday Night Out, from 4 until 8 pm. And after you shop until you drop, stop by Aquitaine, Flour, Gaslight, Metropolis, Union, Upper Crust, Pops or Myers+Chang, and take advantage of the specials they'll be serving for Holiday Night Out. Cheers!


  1. I'll be there! Thanks so much for the help on my pre-Thanksgiving rushed engagement present shopping job on Wednesday. They absolutely LOVED it!

    Also, I couldn't resist promising a Hudson gift card to a reader of my blog this morning. In case you're curious... http://giftsthatgive.wordpress.com/2010/11/30/bling-bling/
